Upcoming Shows
Money Matters is airing shortened shows on Friday evenings at 6:30 PM on the KVMR evening news weekly and podcasts are on KVMR.ORG
Tune in !
(Covering the economy and markets of 2024 and beyond)
Guaranteed Options for those seeing red
Subject to market conditions
Market news in these turbulent times.
Money Matters ~ KVMR FM
with Marc Cuniberti
Money Matters is about your money, your country, your livelyhood,
in short, its about you.
And of course more on your money and the markets.
With the market in turmoil and no guarantees of letting up, perhaps now would be the time for a brief talk about strategies
-Are falling portfolio balances causing you stress or keeping you up at night?
-Has this last market crash made you question your strategies?
-Do you or your advisor have an exit strategy or is the plan to just keep riding it?
-Do you know about investments that guarantee principal protection AND pay a guaranteed interest and ALSO allow you to participate in stock market gains when the market rises or recovers, all with 100% protection to your principal? These are called Fixed Indexed Annuities.
There are opportunities even in the bleakest of markets. Maybe it’s time you hear about some alternatives.
Don’t wait any longer. It’s your money. Hear alternatives, easy to understand strategies and protections.
There is no cost or obligation to attend one of these many brief seminars. They happen every week to suit your schedule.
Every other Thursday 9:00 am-10.30 am
Every other Wednesday noon to 1:30 pm
Every other Saturday from 10:00 am to 11:30
Seminars available in Grass Valley and Auburn and are ongoing due to extreme market conditions.
Also by appointment or I will come to you.
Call (530) 559-1214 to reserve your spot or make an appointment today.
Looking forward to hearing from you by phone, text or email.
Marc Cuniberti
Certain products are guaranteed by the underwriting company and are may not be government insured. Guarantees are backed by the claims paying ability of the issuing insurer. An annuity is a long-term financial product designed largely for asset accumulation and retirement needs. Withdrawals and death benefits are subject to income tax. If withdrawals and other distributions are received prior to age 59 ½, a 10% penalty may apply. Certain Annuity product features, offered by some Fixed Annuity companies, such as stepped-up death benefit, a bonus credit and a guaranteed minimum income benefit, carry added fees. Conditions apply. Insurance services offered through Marc Cuniberti and not affliated with Vantage Financial.
Money Matters is produced, hosted and conceived by Mr. Marc Cuniberti.
Marc holds a BA with Honors in Economics from San Diego University - 1979
Money Management Radio (Marc Cuniberti) has been featured on NBC & ABC TV and in local affiliates and newspapers as well as being featured on a host of TV Documentaries about his economic foresights.
Money Matters is aired on public radio throughout Northern California and the State Capitol with over 55 stations airing his shows and newscasts from coast to coast.
Worldwide on the web at WWW.KVMR.ORG
Marc is currently is a featured financial columnist for the UNION NEWSPAPER in Nevada County on Money Monday and other publications in Northern California.
Our productions: "Money Matters" and "Your Money Matters" are copy write protected and cannot be reproduced in any form without prior written consent.
Northern California's #1 rated "alternative" economic show.
"Then You Will Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free" John 8:32
His newscasts are available nationwide on PRX distribution at
and on Audioport at http://www.audioport.org or on
KVMR Podcast website at http://audio.kvmr.org/podhawk/index.php?cat=Money%20Matters
Our email is: moneymatters@kvmr.org
Financial questions should be directed to bayareaprocess@att.net
Our website is www.moneymanagementradio.com
Our promotional agent is Creative PR at wayne@creativepr.org
Our phone number: (530) 265-9073 KVMR FM, Nevada City
We broadcast from the studios of KVMR FM exclusively and are located at:
401 Spring Street
Nevada City, CA 95959
Copy write by BAPINC. All rights protected. Money Matters is produced and published by Bay Area Process Inc.
Special Notes: Shows may be altered should market movements warrant immediate coverage.
Email Marc at bayareaprocess@att.net with your questions.