About Marc
Marc Cuniberti is a 50's baby boomer, born and raised in Daly City , California , participating in all the usual shenanigans that the baby boomer kids were famous for.
Active in sports and a karate buff since age 13 acquiring a certified martial arts instructors license at age 25, playing football, baseball and basketball before and thru high school, Marc is the youngest of 4 children. Marc is an avid guitar player, receiving his first guitar at age 8. Marc doesn't talk about his that part of his career much but to say it was larger then life and just as painful. He says music left with burnt out ears, lots of rewards and a bunch of scary memories!
Recovering from the wild ride of early success, he retired to Catalina Island to recover and rethink his life.
Moving back to the mainland in the mid 70's, he decided to try and live a normal life.
"I thought I would live a lot longer if I got up at 7:00 am instead of going to bed at that time."
“My interest in economics started at age 14 when my father gave me a book about the coming US dollar devaluation. Marc says of this experience: "once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down”.
Receiving his college degree in Economics with honors from San Diego State University in 1979, Marc became an early entrepreneur, buying his first piece of real estate at age 26 and parlaying one property into many, also buying a string of laundry mats with the proceeds.
Marc resided in Marin County after completing his college degree and started working in a variety of self employed entrepreneurial enterprises.
In 1982, a personal re-evaluation led him into the corporate life, applying newly learned sales and engineering skills into industrial machinery sales, yet always maintaining his investments and interest in economics.
Marc says of his life:
"I have always loved the markets and played in them throughout my life. They say you're not somebody until you've been sued and lost a lot of money. I have never been sued but lost my share of money early on but I was learning the whole way. That is all now behind me and I think it was a necessary learning curve and preparatory. If I hadn't done the things I did, I wouldn't know now what I know now. As they say, it's all good. Working for myself has always been a thing of mine. My father gave me a college education, a 20,000 loan and 5,000 in cash and told me that was it”.
That was enough. He hosts the money talk show "Money Matters, winner of the Jody Fenimore Award for best talk show. He has been featured on NBC and ABC television and in a host of made for TV film documentaries about his economic insights. He called the real estate and bank implosion before main street was even considering the possibility and continues to forecast future market movements with amazing accuracy and foresight.
It has been said there is no one better then explaining economics in a way even the novice can understand. Top that off with his uncanny ability to see where the markets are moving and what the future holds and you see why Money Matters is the fastest growing alternative business radio show in the country. Marc owns 4 companies including an insurance agency, engineering company, film company and financial services entities. He broadcasts over 66 stations nationwide, is involved with the Interfaith Food Ministry and has served the food insecurity issue for over 4 decades. He is the financial columnist for half a dozen newpapers, has appeared on ABC, NBC and a host of film documentaries about his forecasting ability and economic analysis. He has coached baseball for 11 years including high school head coach varsity baseball. He holds California Insurance License # 0L34249 and holds a variety of financial certfications. He owns BAP INC Insurance services and offers consultation on markets and financial asset management and direction.
Marc has 3 children and resides in Grass Valley, California with his wife Elyane.