Radio Show Titles

Money Matters - By Marc Cuniberti
Taped live at KVMR FM & KFOK FM

Radio Shows are available as instant MP3 downloads (50mb) at no cost!

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All shows are approximately 1hr. in length and of CD quality

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205 The ongoing Greek Tragedy and other money matters - February 2015
The latest on housing, the industrial military complex, some immigration news updates, some interest movements in junk bonds and the latest in retail sales, and the ongoing Greek tragedy and their debt problems as predicted so many times by host Marc Cuniberti.
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206 Interest Rates Go Negative - March 2015
Listener questions run the gamut from gold coins to IRA holdings to the future of the country. Then recent market new highs, Greece, Obamacare and more are discussed and the show ends with how interest rates are now going negative. Hear this stunning development!
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207 The Fed gives baby his bottle - Yellen Speaks - March 19 2015
Marc starts this show with listener letters and questions once again, then goes on to recent economic stats, bond sales, real estate, the recent problems in Europe, Japan and elsewhere. Interest rates are discussed then the show concludes with Federal Reserve Chief Janet Yellen's report on raising interest rates and its immediate effect on the stock markets, gold, commodities and more.
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208 Kids, Parents, GE, McDonalds - Our Changing Times - April 16 2015
More listener letters. Marc covers GE’s new structure, McDonalds increase in its employees’ wages, investing for and by kids, green funds, the latest in Euro issues, and California’s new position in solar generation. Market analysis is also covered. An enlightening show and a great audio piece!
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209 Market Update - May 8 2015
Market news, kids investing plan and more. Great news for today's markets with listener questions answered.
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Not available 210 Membership Drive - May 14 2015 (not available for download)
Money Matters for the station with news about QE, Reverse Repo, share buy backs and more.
211 Estate Planning with Attorney Rich Keene - May 23 2015
A great informative show covering all aspects of estate planning. Wills, trust, retirement, children, dependents, executors and more. Listener questions are also answered in this great show where you can get all your questions answered! You must have this show regardless of what your age, income level or situation. Aired live on KVMR FM 5/21/2015 and must air show!
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212 #212 Market Update, no cost solar, Euro QE and More - #212 Market update, solar, Euro QE and more June 4, 2015 Current market news, more on no-cost solar, Euro QE and listener letters are covered. Great relaxed show and easy to listen with great information.
June 5 2015
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213 #213 "No More Greece on the fire" - #213 Oh no more Greece on the fire June 2015 A great intro of listener letters with a detailed explanation of money creation, inflation and government spending. This segment is a must hear! More on the Triple Crown with racing fans getting an earful on the betting and who really wins. The War Cycle is discussed and then Greece and Euro issues are summed up in an easy to understand format.
June 18 2015
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214 #214 Real Estate Revisited June 2015 - With Marc on a brief hiatus, KVMR airs an old 2006/17 real estate show. A great look back on his take on what was going to happen in the coming blow up.
June 29, 2015
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215 #215- Oils plunge, his new advisor status and more! August 2015  - #215 Oils Plunge, the ECB and more market news August 2015 Back from a brief hiatus and now a Registered Financial Advisor Representative, Marc covers the markets again in this late summer show. Even paced and relaxed. Tune in and hear about what is going on with the show, his website and more!
August 6, 2015
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216 #216 Market update- Markets rock and roll! August 2015 - #216 Today’s market volatility August 20, 2015 With the stock market pulling back an eye-popping 358 Dow points, this show is a must listen. Greece, Oil, China’s surprise devaluation and more.
August 20, 2015
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217 #217- To Raise or not to raise interest rates" - September 2015 -#217 With the markets in free fall, Marc covers the latest possible reasons, the possible increase in interest rates, Chinese monetary surprises that may have started it all, the real depression: are we in one now? How about portfolio planning? Hear it all here. Aired live September 3, 2015 on KVMR.
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218 #218 "The Feds Big Day" - Sept 17, 2015- #218 Today is the day the Feds make their most anticipated interest rate announcement. Marc watches the tape and comments on what it all means. The whole theory of QE is then covered, then a piece on gold and finally Bernie Sanders, Presidential Candidate and his policies are detailed. Packed full show.
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219 #219 The Feds Speak - #219 The Feds Speak October 15 2015 Low interest rates, Junk bonds, Subprime auto loans and recent Fed Speak and market news is covered with concluding piece on participation trophies. Packed full show!
October 15, 2015
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220 #220 The Feds hold fast November 2015 - #220 The Feds hold fast November 5, 2015 The Feds hold fast on rates and Marc covers it all. From the IMF, the SDR’s, the Chinese Yuan, left versus right on taxes, free payments to shipping magnates, some solutions, VW, auto piloting cars, and why stocks move is all covered. A TON of material in this show including a conclusion talking about the Feds holding fast on interest rates.
November 2015
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221 #221 What is next in our markets - Marc takes on the IMF, the currency of currencies, recent market turbulence, retail wipe out comments, ISIS, the recent Feds meeting on interest rates, and an interesting read from the Curmudgeon. Packed full show!
November 19, 2015
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222 #222 The Santa Claus Rally - #222 Santa Claus Rally December 3 2015 The Chinese Yuan and SDR, more on retail, the FEDs latest musing, the markets sell off and recovery, the terrorist attack and more. Is a Santa Claus stock market in our future?
December 3 2015
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223 #223 New Years Tidings - Bonds are covered, the Fed increases interest rates and Marc’s comments. Large banks are accused of manipulating the interest rate market, junk bonds, Pfizer moves offshore and a large mutual fund freezes redemptions. Recent market moves are also covered.
December 17 2015
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224 The Zombie Apocalypse - Market news on the latest rout, a money market fund roils markets, 4 Dicta from Bill Bonner on how markets work, and the Zombies attack: Parasitic companies and zombie leeches attack our system! Then summing up and making sense of the markets.
January 7 2016
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225 Markets Rock and Roll - The worst start to a year in the markets in Dow history. Hear Marc's take on the whole thing and what to expect. Why is the market falling so hard so fast? Is it time to buy? Buy and hold? Is there inflation? Yes in a surprising sector. Listen to hear which items are setting new records! Does QE work? Will they try it again? How about limiting your losses? Do you practice good management? A complete show packed full of tons of information.
January 21, 2016
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226 Is the Market rout over? - Marc details recent market activity and give his impression about what happened and what to possibly expect. QE and bailouts are touched on as well as liquidity versus solvency and what it means. Gas prices are also covered and their effect on the economy. Argentina and Puerto Rico defaults are also covered.
February 4, 2016
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227 #227 Where do we go from here - Marc covers the recent market stabilization, China’s fray in to the stock market, a new proposed oil tax, strategy for today’s markets and answers where he think the market might go in the near and far term future. Great show packed full of insight. Best of the month
February 18, 2016
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228 Spring 2016 Update - Market news, a January read back on what happened early in the year, the latest in news headlines and more on the Federal Reserve.
March 3, 2016
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229 The Fed's Next Move - What will the Fed do next? What will the markets do? How will they react? Also covered is Fed manipulation, deflation versus inflation and the mysterious death of Chesapeake Energy icon Aubrey McClendon.
March 17, 2016
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230 The Cost of Everything - Details market rout today, the cost of gasoline, market risk, and robots taking human jobs versus minimum wage. A great piece on the cost of killing (war and its costs) is a highlight. Light yet riveting! Aired live KVMR, ready for airplay with generic edit.
April 7, 2016
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231 Sell in May? - The question always asked in May: do we sell in May and go away? Also covered are the remaining AAA rated companies in the US. (There are less than you think), market risk and other risks while investing, the Federal Reserve and interest rates and what they will do, and the recent rise in commodities prices. A take on Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is read from the website Martin Weiss. Packed show.
April 5, 2016
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232 Summer Doldrums - Great show with comments on election signs being stolen, the Fed take on interest rates at their next meeting this month, perception of stocks and why prices move, the war on cash by the elites, the \"Sell in May and go away\" theory on stocks and a hilarious story about Marcs\' recent visit to Costco.
June 2, 2016
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233 #233 Welcome to July Markets - #233 Welcome to July Markets July 7, 2016 Packed full once again. Brexit and the markets, undocumented workers and the economy, Summer action in the market and what to expect, Coco-Cola stops production, A hilarious classic piece on Guinea Hens and our host Marc Cuniberti (must hear!), the war on cash and tax inversion where companies merge overseas to avoid taxes. Wow, what a show!
July 7, 2016
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234 "Money for Nothing" - #234 Money for Nothing July 21, 2016 Very easy paced show with the Brexit covered in detail, the price of gold, why it is bought and held, an explanation about paper money, the history of the US dollar and look at changes in the solar industry and more.
August 4, 2016
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235 #235- Into Fall We Go - More on a visit to Japan with great insight and humor, more on the Japanese monetary and fiscal policies, more on negative interest rates, the recent spike in gold and the most recent market news.
August 4, 2016
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236 #236- Fall Into Fall - Fall into Fall September 1 2016 Recent market news is always covered. Then host Marc delves into what to expect from interest rates and the Fed, a “negative debt cycle which may spell bad news ahead, the latest POKEMON GO craze, more on negative interest rates and finally the massive loss in the biggest pension fund in the world.
September, 2016
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237 Inflation - With markets again in flux and reeling, Marc\'s comments are timely and need to be heard. Then he has an amazing presentation and explanation of inflation, likely the best description and take on it you have ever heard. Hear how the rich and the government love inflation and why. The answers will astound you!
September 15, 2016
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238 #238 Halloween Markets and market update - Today’s market news, bonds, interest rates, the latest possible bank meltdown that may be on the horizon, gold and coal. The FOMC of the Fed is also covered.
October 6, 2016
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239 #239- Fall Diatribe - Fall Diatribe Rocking show with Marc on a rant about liberty and freedom. Takes the entire show but well worth the price of admission. One of the best shows there is. A must listen as you either hate it or love it. Coal is also covered briefly but the main topic is the real jewel. Marc at his best.
October 20, 2016
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240 #240 Election Markets - Show begins with interview with our local food bank President, but no money is asked for, just cans. We also plug your local generic food bank. After that, we cover the election, where markets might go and why, a great coverage of the newest in data and commentary about the real estate market (must hear) and then a funny and enlightening rant about investing in one’s most precious asset, our own bodies.
November 3, 2016
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241 #241 And now to the Donald - A rambling but humorous diatribe of the fiasco that was the election, what happened and what markets did and why. Great dose of Marc when he goes unscripted. Pension shortfalls are also covered.
November 17, 2016
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242 #242 Santa Claus and Trump rallies - #242- Santa Claus and Trump rallies December 1, 2016 Deutsche Bank, the massive shortage in pensions plans nationwide are detailed. An enlightening and detailed conversation about the rally in the markets since Trump was elected is covered and then new strategies many investors are not aware of are covered. How to be in the market with no risk, life income and more.
December 1, 2016
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243 #243 The end of 2016 - Marc details the end of 2016 and the start of 2017. He details the selloff in fixed income and what happened to markets after the Trump surprise. A no risk strategy for investing using annuities is also covered. Great info for curious investors and listeners alike.
December 15, 2016
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244 #244 The start of 2017 - The new markets are covered. Then great advice on buying a new or used cars. Useful strategies that will help listeners get a great deal on a car! Then inflation is covered in detail and what causes poverty.
January 5, 2017
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245 The January Effect - Marc covers FB CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s latest lawsuit against his neighbors, the fixed income sell off, Trump markets, tips on starting a new business, a new years budget you can follow and the January effect. Packed full show!
January 19, 2017
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246 #245 Leap into February - Great show with upbeat tempo on investing in yourself. Host Marc details his discovery about a new way to learn almost anything. Well worth the price of admission! Fascinating story and education on how to invest in your brain with a new way of learning almost anything. Marc also covers the markets and President Trump’s slew of executive orders upon taking office.
February 2, 2017
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247 #247 March into March markets - Wonderful analysis of current markets with Trump analysis and more. Then a riveting rant on social media and its cost to society. Then Marc covers Ex-Presidents retirement packages. Great flow and great information.
March 2, 2017
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248 #248 Worker Bees or Busy bodies - Marc covers the latest in the markets, more on true diversification, Snapchat, volatility and his take on holding cash versus equities. A good portion of the show is covering a tongue in cheek analysis of the types of people in the world and how they view and approach work and careers. A classic Money Matters piece not to be missed.
March 16, 2017
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249 #249 April fools or geniuses - Marc covers the markets of the day. Then chit chats about school discipline and various off the cuff subjects in true Money Matters fashion. Then the Brexit is detailed, Governments neat tricks to garner your money and then an excellent explanation of bonds and bond funds.
April 6, 2017
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250 April Showers Bring May Flowers - Current market conditions are covered along with fixed income sell off. Marc’s take on the Mexican economy is hilarious and informative. Corporations are covered and this brings some spirited phone calls as Marc defends what he calls “some good ones”. Great discussion. Brexit is covered and how it is transpiring and ROTH IRA’s are also detailed. Packed full show
April 20, 2017
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251 Foster Families and the Trump Dump - With the markets falling radically the day before, Host Marc covers what happened, why and more. Also covered are investor concerns when it comes to their money and the new President. Great info for those concerned about Trump. The last half of the show is an interview with a Foster family agency and how in general they operate. Great community information about investing in our youth and our community. Your questions answered.
May 18, 2017
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252 June Bug- Investing in to the summer 2017 - Marc covers the recent movements in markets and comments on his trepidation on the current markets. QE is covered in detail and how it affects prices of things we buy both here and overseas. The Trump tax reforms are covered with commentary as well as investors’ concerns over the Trump presidency. Aired live KVMR FM with generic edit ready for all radio airplay.
June 1, 2017
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254 #254 Decisions Decisions - Current market analysis with a change in portfolio stance discussed. More on the movement of markets, what are resistance and support levels, why markets move as they do, and an enlightening discussion about Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway. Finally reality and perception in markets are discussed.
June 6, 2017
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255 #255 A time to change - Current market conditions are discussed. What markets are up to and what to expect. A great talk about the need and possibility of change in one’s life, from behaviors to investing and more. Then the financial woes of Illinois is detailed including a revisit to the sorrowful state of their public pensions and promised entitlements. Amazing thought provoking show all around.
July 20, 2017
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256 #256 Falling into fall - Analyzing the turn of the market. Dow rocks 250 plus downward and Marc gives commentary. Memorable quips and one liner, who to trust and who not to. Fakers and talkers and what does it all mean. Women CEO’s: Do they make better managers? Great info, lively show.
August 17, 2017
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257 #257 Fall Strategies - Marc details the markets of today, then dives into an investment strategy for those that are looking for income. Great information and strategy. Also covered is how to discern risk in a portfolio by its performance. Another great tidbit investors should know.
September 14, 2017
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258 What's up- Teen Wellness Suicide Screening Program - Whats up-Teen Wellness Check ups September 21 2017 Marc interviews Shellee Sepko and Jen Winder of Wellness Teen Suicide Screening program. This critical issue and the program that addresses it is covered in detail with this 45 minute interview.
September 21, 2017
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259 #259 AirMed Life flight and Pride Industries - Life flight insurance? Yep there is a program for that! Great info interview. Then the final in a 3 part coverage by Marc on Pride Industries whose motto is “Finding employment for people with disabilities”
October 5, 2017
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260 Food Banks - Marc interviews Sue Vanson of IFM food bank in Marc’s county for the entire show. Great detail and information is given about those in need of food and the entities that serve them. Great show applicable to all who hear it.
December 5, 2017
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261 Women of Worth, Ass-woman Melissa Melendez: Co- Interview on Sexual Harrassment - Founder of Women of Worth and Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez (Ca) are interviewed about battered women, the assemblywoman\'s new bill AB403 now in debate about harassment, whistle blower protection and more. With all the news about sexual harassment from the President on down, this show is SO relevant and the co- interviews are magnificent.
Dec 12,2017
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262 The Yoda of Ink- The Philip Milic Interview - Investing in your body. A spin off of our “Investing in Community” Series where we discuss all things investing including body and mind. Tattoo expert M. Philip Milic is interviewed for the full show talking about all things tattoo. Guest Ms. Jen Ayala co-interviews our guest. Milic is known in celebrity circles including music star Rhianna.
January 6, 2018
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264 The Melt Up - Melt up markets. Marc covers the market and the recent pull back. The “melt up” is also covered where stocks rally on easy money. Bitcoin versus gold is detailed and 2017 money records are discussed. Also covered are the various prognostication methods. Great discussions on a great show.
February 1, 2018
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263 Into 2018 we go - Bitcoin is covered as well as Trump effect on markets and recent market movements. Big Brothers and Big Sisters is interviewed in the beginning of the show briefly.
January 18 2018
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265 The Market Rout - Marc covers in detail the recent market rout of Feb, 2018. Great macro views and analysis of the brutal sell off
February 15 2018
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266 #266 The Rebound - The sell off this week is detailed along what a sell off is, why it happens, what can we expect and general market analysis in the macro sense. Brilliant fast moving show packed full of wisdom and astute observation of how markets work. Small business tips and stock market theories are discussed as well. Great show.
March 1, 2018
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267 April showers and flowers - Market news with coverage on technical charts and the people who follow them, a climax top and bottom chart analysis and then running a small business with tips is discussed
March 15 2018
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268 Double Tops and Bottoms - Marc starts with interview of Miners Foundry director to talk about public venues and this great history landmark. Then the crazy markets are covered, the ups and downs, tops and bottoms, and how to recognize them. Then HOW TO RUN A SMALL BUSINESS is covered with great tips!
April 5, 2018
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269 A new sheriff in town - Sheriff candidates are interviewed in this Investing in Community edition with also a non-profit for a benefit for Uganda. Market movements are always covered on every show.
April 19, 2018
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270 A Senator and District attorney - Marc interviews Senator Ted Gaines (R-CAL) about the issues facing the state. Gas tax, income tax, sanctuary state and more are covered. Then both district attorney candidate camps for Nevada County are interviewed.
May 17, 2018
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271 Into Summer we go 2018 - Ms. Sue Knappan, a representative from the local homeless shelter and dinner house (Hospitality House and Bread and Roses Thrift Shop) is interviewed. Applicable to homeless assistance everywhere. Next current markets are looked with emphasis on strategies to limit losses and help keep gains. Then Marc sets fire to the real estate “experts” and shoots their theory of low inventory down in flames with a classic Money Matters type rant.
June 7 2018
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272 Annuities and portfolio protections - Annuities are covered, stops and protection in portfolios as well as building one. Great spirited show with TONS of information. Solid stuff this show.
July 19 2018
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273 Trump Tariffs and markets - Trump, tariffs and more are covered about the recent markets in this lively and informative show which will inspire and enlighten.
August 2 2018
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274 Minimum Fast Food Wage debate - Marc\'s social media post with a sign of a fast food chain looking for workers at $11.25 an hour cause a record 700 comments for and against. Then two days later the chain changes the sign up a buck an hour! Marc asks the chain why. They wont answer but Marc dedicates the whole hour to call ins.
September 6 2018
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275 Fall into Fall - Marc details the 300 point drop that occurred on this day, then discusses winning strategy stock picking and portfolio protection. Also covered is Marc dropping his oldest kid at college with some great insights on this topic for parents in similar situations. More on the markets throughout the show and a whole segment on small business operation from start up to opening. What and how.
October 4 2018
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276 #276 The Fall Rout - With the Dow in recent freefall and investors seeing red, Marc covers it all. What to expect, what may have happened, some strategies to help prevent catastrophic losses and how to view your portfolio in general in these trying times.
November 1 2018
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277 The fall out continues - Bonds and interest rates, market analysis on the recent fall, strategies and stop losses are discussed. Great timely and timeless information for now and beyond.
November 15, 2018
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278 More pain into the winter of 2018 - More news and coverage on the continuing market rout that plaques our economy. What to do, why and what to expect. A must hear show for all investors.
December 6 2018
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279 When will it stop - With the continuation of the seemingly relentless fall in the indexes, Host Marc Cuniberti talks strategies to help limit losses like stops and moving to more cash. He gives his insights as to what is happening and what may happen. Great show for those seeing red in the market and in the mirror.
December 20 2018
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280 Is it over - With the rout possibly coming to an end and the market looking north again, Host Marc Cuniberti dives into all the questions, concerns, pitfalls, causes and what ifs of the market and what we might expect next. Is it over? How concerned it Marc
January 3, 2019
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281 #281- UP UP and Away - Are we done yet? Is it now all clear? Are we up and away in the markets? Hear it all here
February 7, 2019
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282 #282 Spring into Spring 2019 - Marc details the markets, and where they may go from here. Then he tackles the issue of the deficit, then covers socialism and its failure to provide as promised. Money printing is detailed as well as the concentration of wealth and the why and the how of all of it.
February 7, 2019
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283 Is it over and corporations - Marc covers the recent market rebound then goes into corporations and the abhorrence of them by many. This topic will lead to the next show \"Are corporations people\" which will air on March 21st, 2019.
March 7, 2019
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284 Are corporations people - Great topic and discussion on this heated debate. A must hear show!
March 21, 2019
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285 Will April Fool us - Marc covers briefly the Boeing 737 MAX 8/9 back to back crashes. Then details “know where your money is” and the markets. The “inverted yield curve” is covered and a listener talks about bought off politicians and housing projects harming some environments.
April 4 2019
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286 #286 Into Summer we go - Marc covers the recent markets, the ins and outs of annuities, community matters and portfolio diversification. Great information show.
April 18, 2019
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287 Insurance Health Fire and Accident is covered. Great informational show - Marc covers the debacle that is fire insurance in Northern California where many policies are being cancelled due to the massive wildfires in 2018. He also covers accident insurance which is different than health insurance. He does touch on the rising costs of both due to monetary inflation and the cost of Universal Health Care.
May 2, 2019
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288 #288 Annuities Markets Bonds Insurance - Host Marc talks about bonds, interest rates, more on annuities, what they are and why people hold them, and of course the recent markets on rallies and turning points.
June 6 2019
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289 #289 Tariffs and Rallies - The recent ongoing rally is discussed. Saving for retirement and more. What to expect, what might happen, what has happened and more!
June 20 2019
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290 Its hot in the markets - The hot markets of summer is covered, what may be driving them and more. Fire insurance and home prices are correlated. Marc’s Facebook issue is also covered in a light an informative show.
July 18 2019
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291 #291 Issues with social media - Paul Castro host of Zen Tech and host of Money Matters, Marc Cuniberti, have a great discussion on Facebook issues and Marc being locked out of his account. Great informative show!
August 1 2019
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292 #292 Is the rout over - Is the rout of the last few weeks in the markets over? Hear Marc’s brilliant analysis of what is happening, why and what to do in the latest market wipe out. Tariffs? Trump? Elections? Recession coming? Inverted yield curve? Marc covers all of it.
August 15, 2019
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293 #293 Markets Rise into Fall - Fire insurance is covered and more. E gaming/ E sports the fastest growing sport! Great show with great fire insurance and market coverage.
September 5, 2019
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294 #294 UP UP and Away - With the markets again in an upswing, Marc covers the recent stress in the repurchase Agreement or “repo” market of the Fed which may have ominous hints of problems in the overall market. What does it all mean? Where might the markets go? Great informative show and timely. Must listen.
September 19, 2019
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295 #295- Fall into fall. Will markets fall - Physical therapist Jack Emery is interviewed and all things physical therapy are covered. Marc then cover the recent market sell off and why- Bad growth numbers in the US. What is a recession, a depression? The overnight repo market where the world’s financial systems get their funds to operate is also covered. The recent stress in this market could have ramifications.
October 2, 2019
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296 #296 Firewise communities - With fire insurance being cancelled in masse throughout California and beyond, marc tackles and addresses the issues of Firewise Communities with guest Bob Long, the Chairman of the Coalition of Firewise Communities in Nevada County. Great information for homeowner everywhere who are trying to gapple with skyrocketing insurance costs.
November 7, 2019
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297 #297 Firewise communities - Back by popular demand from the previous show, Chairman of the Coalition for Firewise communities sits with Marc to discuss more Firewise information. Valuable information for a state in insurance chaos.
November 6 2019
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298 #298 The California Fair Insurance Plan - The Cal Fair Plan is detailed. Great informative show on this pressing and ongoing issue for Californians in high fire areas.
December 5, 2019
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299 Impeachment results - Host Marc covers the market, the stress in the Feds “REPO” market (explained on the show) the impeachment effect on markets and comparing financial advisors results. Great show.
December 19, 2019
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300 #300 The 300th Anniversary Show - Marc welcomes in the New Year with market commentary on the continued rise in equities. Quantitative Easing (QE) is discussed with a cartoon parody. The REPO Market and more QE is discussed. Investing strategy and stop losses is discussed. Great strategy with exit points. All in all a great show!
January 2, 2020
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301 Ajay's Montana Banana Beef Jerky CEO Interview - Guest Co-host Mrs. California 2018 Ms. Kerry Ramano-Zall joins Marc on this interview show with Gourmet Beef Jerky Montana Banana CEO Mr. Ajay Avery. Great tales of four decades worth of how Ajay founded and started his beef jerky company.
January 16, 2020
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302 #302 Corona Virus effect on Market - Host Marc details how he thinks the market is rally back to new highs but failing to price in the possible effects on the economy worldwide by the Corona Virus. With China being the 2nd largest economy in the world and parts of China at a stand still, Marc is standing clear of markets being defensive instead. Is he right? The following fall in the Dow of close to 300 points may indicate he is. Also covered is the REPO problems (listen to the show). Also covered is what the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE is and how it is constructed.
February 6 2020
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303 Debates and Viruses - Marc covers in depth the Corona Virus and its possible effects on the markets and what to expect now that many companies are issuing warning about earnings.
February 20, 2020
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304 #304 Corona Carnage Continues - Marc covers the ongoing carnage in markets and the virus. Need we say more!
March 5 2020
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305 - Marc details the markets and lock down. Commentary and information on the events transpiring
March 19 20210
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306 Welcome Back ! A brief Money Matters show after a long shutdown/ - Market catch up and news since off air 8 weeks.
June 4 2020
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307 Irrational Exuberance Corrections - The correction in the markets it discussed with ramifications and causes.
April 2020
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#308  Fear shut downs   May 29 2020

Host Marc dives into the ongoing market slaughter and recovery in the new CoVid world. Supply and demand is covered. Condensed show due to CoVid. Money Matters returns on air and on Thursday nights at 6:30 until the state repopens.

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309 #309 Market disconnect and travel during CoVid - More market craziness is covered and travel during CoVid is detailed. Marc take a trip and lets us know what to expect. More market news and coverage
August 12 2020
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310 #310 Traveling during CoVid and mistakes made - More market craziness is covered and travel during CoVid is detailed. Marc take a trip and lets us know what to expect. More market news and coverage
August 2 2020
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311 #311 Stock splits and rookie mistakes - More market craziness is covered and travel during CoVid is detailed. Marc take a trip and lets us know what to expect. More market news and coverage. Rookie trading mistakes are detailed. Great show for all.
August 17 2020
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312 #312 More stock splits, more on market disconnect, gold and silver. - More on stock splits, market disconnect and more. Gold and silver is also covered! Current market action is detailed.
September 3 2020
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313 #313 Money and Markets - More on the markets coming into election time. Great commentary on money and the markets!
October 5 2020
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314 #314 Lingering Viruses and Elections - The world is subject to viruses and elections. Market commentary on all of it.
October 2020
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315 #315 CoVid spikes and masks - More on Covid, masks and our crazy markets.
November 2020
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316 #316 CoVid spikes and more - CoVid rises again. The Markets follow. Covering it all is Host Marc Cuniberti. Keep abreast of these crazy times in the world and the markets.
November 2020
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317 #317 A New Hope The Resiliency of America - Great uplifting show about the come back and steadfast recovery of America. Market commentary as usual.
December 3 2020
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318 #318 Vaccines and re opening - A vaccine is announced and Wall Street and Main Street make preparations to re open. Markets are covered with commentary.
December 15 2020
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319 #319 Enter 2019 - Host Marc Cuniberti welcomes 2021 and offers commentary on the re opening trade, the economy and markets.
Jan 6 2021
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320 #320 Enter Biden and the year 2021 - Full show 29 min MONEY MATTERS KVMR TOP REVENUE SHOW ALL CATEGORIES ENTER 2021 and BIDEN What will a Biden economy look like? What can investors expect? Great condensed show.
Jan 15, 2021
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321 #321 The Game that is GameStop - Another mania and crazy event hits Wall Street and Main Street. Money Matters explains it all.
Feb 4 2020
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322 #322 Is inflation in our future - Inflation cometh? Marc details what and why. Also finishes up commentary on the Gamestop fiasco. Great condensed show ~
Feb 16, 2021
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323 The Reopening of America - America begins to reopen. Analysis and more ! Market info and more as usual.
March 6 2021
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324 #324 How high is too high - How high is too high? Market info and commentary
March 18, 2021
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325 #325 And trillions more - Trillions into the `system` BAILOUTS and more money from the FEDS oh my! What to do!
April 1 2021
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326 #326 Long in the tooth or more to run - Can it keep going? What is going on? Commentary and more !
April 15 2021
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327 #327 Sell in May and go away? - Are EDD payments keeping workers from their jobs? What about that effect on inflation? Or the $15/hr min wage debate? FULL SHOW 29 min CLASSIC Money Matters and so timely.
May 7, 2021
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328 #328 The Unemployment Puzzle - Why so high an unemployment rate while businesses are struggling to find workers? Market coverage and this topic is discussed. 29 min show
May 2021
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329 #329 Memes and Bits Irrational Exhuberance June 2021 - MEME STOCKS AND BITCOIN mania! Market commentary and more ! Crazy markets and irrational exuberance in markets full show 29 min from KVMR best MONEY SHOW for 18 years
June 3 2021
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330 #330 America Opens up - America is reopening ! To the joy of all. Where do we go from here and market coverage .
June 17 2021
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331 #331 Happy Fourth - Brief show on the 4th of July and how the markets are doing!
July 2 2021
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332 #332 Navigating Disneyland - Post Covid Disneyland is open but requires new methods to attend. Host Marc covers the markets briefly then goes over all you will need to know to go to the Magic Kingdom! Priceless info for those thinking of going!
July 15 2021
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333 Capitalism, our economy and the REPO MARKET - Capitalism is detailed along with market news and the mysterious REPO market is covered
August 5 2021
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334 #334 Options and alternatives - Alternatives are investments not publically traded. Marc for the most part does not recommend these. here why. Also options are covered.
August 19 2021
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335 Bad feelings and inflation - Marc has a bad feeling about the markets. Also covered is INFLATION and how it is a tax on the poor and transfers wealth to the super rich.
September 2 2021
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336 #336 Stock jitters - A jittery stock market precedes the crash. Prognostications from Host Marc Cuniberti
September 17 2021
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337 #337 Correction! Oct 7 2021 - Last weeks show #336 forecast THIS correction! Here the updated show here! Amazing!
October 7 2021
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338 #338 The Economic Effects from COVID and the TRILLION DOLLAR COIN - Covid economic effects are far from over! And mint a trillion dollar coin to fix the deficit????? Hear it all here
October 21, 2021
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339 #339 Hyper inflation and the 10 year note - Hyperinflation What is it ? Is it dangerous? Is it coming?
November 4, 2021
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340 - Markets go crazy Inconsistencies reign supreme Hear Host Marc's take on all of it
November 18 2021
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341 Its the economy stupid - Current market news and more !
December 15 2021
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342 Happy New Year Welcome to 2022 - Into the new year we go What to expect What to do
Jan 6, 2022
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343 #343 Portfolio tracking and another crash - Another crash hits the markets and Marc takes it on. Market commentary and then Marc details why investor portfolios may not track the major indexes.
Jan 20 2022
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#344 Is it over -Market commentary on the ongoing markets. Is the crash finally over?  

Feb 3 2022
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345 #345 Fed debt and the trucker protests - How much Fed debt do we have? Where do we go from here. The Truckers protest in Canada is also covered! Important information! KVMR best money show for 16 years.
Feb 17 2022
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346 Capitulation and whats next in the markets - Is the rout over? What is capitulation? Can you expect more carnage? Great show condensed to 29 minutes.
March 2 2022
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347 #347 Inflation, Oil and a fixed annuity - More news on inflation, oil and energy. Market news and a way to be risk free in the markets.
March 17 2022
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348 #348 More pain or gain in the markets - Is there more pain to come? Or gain? From KVMR MONEY MATTERS
April 21 2022
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349 Inflation and the FED - Inflation and the FED. The latest news on the markets in these tumultuous times.
April 21 2022
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102 #1029 News Bitcoin bust or trust - The latest on BITCOIN
July 3 2022
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103 Inflation theories - What causes inflation
July 11 2022
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1031 031 Earnings compression - What is earnings compression and why does it matter
July 20 2022
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1032 #032 More on Bitcoin News cast - Even more info of BIT and CYBER COINS
July 27 2022
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1033 #033 Market update Aug 1 2022 - Recent market news
Aug 1 2022
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1034 #1034 Rates are not so paltry anymore - With the FEDS increasing rates, rates everywhere including your bank and credit unions are rising as well. Investors might do well to check with their bank, credit union or financial advisor ( who may even have better rates ) if considering FDIC insured zero risk alternatives in today's crazy up and down markets.
Aug 7 2022
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1035 #1035 To gorge or to nibble on stocks right now Aug 14 2022 news cast - With the recent rally do we now stuff ourselves with stocks or just take a bite or two?
August 14 2022
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1036 #1036 Financial security techniques Various sources of income - Financial security techniques Various sources of income ...... good advice
August 23 2022
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1037 Market update August 2022 - Market and economic update
August 21 2022
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1038 #1038 The Real Estate Market is toast - The real estate market is toast Great analysis Listen why and how !
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1039 #1039 Market update for the week of September 11 2022 - Market current news and commentary
Sept 10 2022
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1040 #1040 Aristocratic Divy Paying stocks and a rent yielding portfolio - Get rent checks without a rental Hear how!
September 20 2022
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1041 The Fed is far from done - The Fed is far from done newscast more damage to come listen up
September 25 2022
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1043 #1043 October 5 2022 market update - October 5 2022 update on the markets
October 5 2022
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1044 #1044 Borrowing to invest - Should you borrow to invest ? News cast addressing the no and yes of such a consideration
October 21 2022
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1045 Printing our way out of inflation NEWS CAST - Cant we just print more money to solve inflation?
Nov 1 2022
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1046 Triggered annuities - A novel investment to consider- Listen !
11 3 2022
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1047 Elections and markets NEWS CAST - Can elections show us where markets might go?
11 5 2022
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1048 More Vapor in bitcoin problems - The third largest BITCOIN exchange goes poof!
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1049 Market update November 24th 2022 - The latest market musings
Nov 24 2022
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1050 The coming diesel shortage - Get ready. Diesel inflation is about to make things a whole lot worse
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DECEMBER 13 2022
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1054 #1054 The market is still looking backwards - News piece on what Wall St is looking at and it could be wrong. What is next and why?
December 23 2022
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1055 Cutting the head off the snake - What snake must be killed before the market crash ends.....
January 3 2023
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1056 #1056 Market Redux - Will the market just keep repeating itself?" Check it out NEWSCAST
Jan 15 2023
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1057 The small investor strategy playbook - Small investors need a plan great listen
Jan 21 2023
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1058 #1058 To advise or not? - Use an advisor? Better listen up!
Jan 16 2023
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1059 #1059 The national debt limit - again - Here we go again Great news piece on the national debt
Jan 22 2023
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1060 #1060 Shooting down balloons and inflation - What do balloons and inflation have in common? :)
Feb 5 2023
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1061 #1061 BIDEN BUCKS - Digital currency and the threat to all of us~ SCARY and real!
Feb 19 2023
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1062 #1062 More on annuities - More good stuff on annuities for the risk averse investor.
2 19 2023
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1063 #1063 Flawed govt statistics - Gov stats may mislead and fool us and regulators
3 28 2023
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1064 #1064 Another economic problem CODE RED ALERTS - Code red alerts from the county- do they really help?
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1065 1065 Another banking crisis - Uh oh another 2008 repeat in the making ?
3 10 2023
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1066 #1066 FDIC limits and contagion - FDIC limits valueless now. Will they be changed to unlimited?
3 20 2023
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1067 #1067 never just one cockroach - BANKING CRISIS it aint over cuz there is never just one cockroach
March 28 2023
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1068 #1067 Bonus income annuity - Great annuity is covered here
April 4 2023
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1069 #1069 A problem of their own making - the FED raised int rates to quell inflation Now they have created new problems
April 12 2023
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1070 Historic Marketing Blunders April 14 - First new coke, now BUD LIGHT? :) Great classic
April 14 2023
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1072 #1072 Income strategy versus growth strategies - Alter your view INCOME versus growth Great insight
April 16 2023
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April 5 2023
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1073 Another cockroach - Another bank flops- Like Cyber coin prognostications, Marc calls it again, forecasting the bank crisis is far from over.
May 3 2023
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1076 #1076 capture those high rates now - high rates may not be around long capture those rates now~!
may 26 2023
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1077 #1077 The tug of war in economic policy - Feds try and stop inflation many things are fighting them Can they succeed?
June 5 2023
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1078 #1078 Gold up date - An update on GOLD
June 12 2023
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1079 #1079 Respond and reap the rewards - Tips on good business and responding!
June 2 2023
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1080 #1080 Real Estate updates - update on real estate a must listen for property owners and hopefuls
June 24 2023
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1081 #1081 The FED goes after bitcoin - Here we go again The FEDS are after cyber coins
June 31 2023
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1082 #1082 Life insurance - The ins and outs how and why
July 4 2023
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1084 #1084 Economic news update - The most recent market news and commentary
July 17 2023
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1085 #1085 What goes up might come down - Recent runs may lead to heartbreak
July 23 2023
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1086 #1086 YOU TUBE How to turn you passion into cash and how much can you make? - All you wanted to know about YOU TUBE and making money from it.
August 2, 2023
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1087 #1087 Market running on fumes? - Are we done with the rallies? Running out of steam?
Aug 1 2023
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1088 #1088 The Hesitant Fed - Dont expect the FED to back off interest rates so fast- Hear why !
Aug 5 2023
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1089 Reduced Risk Portfolio - Marc's take on a minimum risk portfolio Free advise and so worth it
Aug 14 2023
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1091 #1091 Fire insurance nightmares - The most recent update on fire insurances issues
Sept 2 2023
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1092 #1092 Inflation is here to stay - It aint over yet as if you didnt know this NEWS CAST on inflation
Sept 4 2023
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1093 #1093 Short term t bills - Good interest US DEBT 100% guaranteed
Sept 10 2023
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1094 #1094 Inflation is here to stay for a while - What went wrong > what brought it on why so persistent
Sept 20 2023
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1095 #1095 The Downside of short term rates - There is a downside of high rates on short term T bills and Savings accounts- solutions here as usual!
10 1 2023
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1097 #1097 Down the rat hole - Monthly subscription services for home maintenance are covered in a hilarious and good way!
Oct 16 2023
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OCT 24 2023
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1099 #1099 Monthly Utility Bills A review for home owners - Monthly services and expenses are reviewed GREAT CONSUMER NEWS PIECE
October 25 2023
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2000 #2000 The Lower Income and low net worth consumer -
November 1 2023
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2001 #2001 More on annuities - More info on annuities and why or why not should investors consider them.
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2002 #2002 The financial stress of inflation - What are the real causes of inflation. What does it affect and who does it affect. Great money matters synopsis.
November 17th 2023
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2003 #2003 Small caps on verge of breakout - Small cap stocks ready to pop?
November 30 2023
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2004 #2004 And then there was none - Is there any money left to buy stocks now that inflation has ravaged consumer pocketbooks?
December 4 2023
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2005 #2005 They wont solve it - Inflation may not be solved ... why and how
December 11 2023
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2006 #2006 The job market just got tighter - The job market, lucrative during and after Covid, just got tighter.
December 17 2023
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2007 #2007 Those greedy somebodies - Greedy corporations or is there something else going on?
December 28 2023
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2008 #2008 Those new year resolutions Jan 1 2024 - Resolutions ! Happy New year news piece
Jan 1 2024
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2009 Shipping piracy might add to inflation - Shipping piracy might add to inflation News cast
jan 15 2024
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2010 #2010 Planes ships cars and bitcoin - #2010 Planes ships cars and bitcoin
Jan 22 2024
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2011 #2011 Those pesky financial instruments - MBS NFT CDO banking monster instruments Hear all the scary details
Jan 29 2024
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2012 #2012 Those darn price gougers - Price gougers? Is that what is causing inflation?? Hardly news cast
Feb 6 2024
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2013 #2013 Who is in pilot seat? - Who controls the economy ?? Is anyone in control?
Feb 13 2024
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2014 #2014 The biggest government in history News cast - US GOVT never been bigger news cast
Feb 20 2024
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2015 #2015 The conflicted FED - The Federal Reserve or the Fumbling Reserve? NEWS CAST
March 6 2024
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2016 #2016 The most valuable commodity - TIME is the most valuable thing! HEAR Y!
March 14 2024
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2017 #2017 Another Valuable commodity - Hear what is the worlds most valuable or is it SECOND most valuable commodity
March 21 2024
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2018 #2018 The cooling economy - Is the economy getting better or cooling off> News Cast
March 28 2024
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2019 #2019 OPTIONS FUN. -

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2020 #2020 Destination crowd this RECESSION? - Lines at parks may be thinning RECESSION INDICATION? NEWS CAST
April 1 2024
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2021 #2021 The cost to mankind for inattentiveness - Not paying attention. Bridge wrecks and other costs to society NEWS CAST
April 3 2024
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2022 #2022 An update on gold and bitcoin - News cast GOLD AND BITCOIN PRICE ACTION is covered
April 7 2024
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2024 #2024 Presidential elections and markets - Elections affect markets- Hear how and why NEWS
April 4 2024
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2023 #2023 Bridges and inflation - Ships bridges and inflation
April 3 2024
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2025 #2025 How to start a business using a mentor to help you - Business mentors- a great resource for potential new business owners but be careful
May 4 2024
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2026 #2026 Student Debt Relief plans - Student debt relief Explained and opinionated
May 10 2024
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2027 #2027 The real cause of inflation - What is the REAL cause of inflation ?? LISTEN
June 1 2024
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2028 #2028 Scams - Scams on the rise news piece MONEY MATTERS CLASSIC
June 10 2024
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2029 #2029 Economic Update Mid June - Money News for June 2024
June 12 2024
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2030 #2030  More on Crypto  June 16 2024

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2031 #2031 Something does not add up - Something may be terribly wrong with the market.
June 21 2024
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2032 #2032 The housing market and Santa Cruz as an example - The housing market and Santa Cruz as an example -- great housing news piece.
June 25 2024
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JULY 17 2024
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2037 #2037 Something has changed in the markets - Bad news is now bad news whereas before it was good news. Hear more here !
Aug 7 2024
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2033 #2033 Lessons in economic forecasting - Forecasting markets
August 10 2024
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2034 #2034 Auto start ups - Auto start up to public companies is profiled
August 22 2024
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2035 #2035 More inflation spin - The truth in government reporting is detailed
August 30 2024
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2038 #2038 The amazing weight loss drugs - The latest on these miracle drugs
August 28 2024
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2039 #2039 The Harris Economic plan - Her plan on the economy What might work and what might not
September 1 2024
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2040 #2040 Here comes the free stuff - Politicians of all sides promise money for votes Its high time we end this ! News cast
September 12 2024
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2041 #2041 The Folly of Price Controls - Price controls- fools gold from the anneals of banana republics. Learn !
September 19 2024
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2042 #2042 The Artificial Intelligence trade is coming to an end? - the AI trade- explosive, money making is it over ?
September 20 2024
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2043 $2043 Time to sell ? - Time to sell stocks?
October 1 2024
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2044 #2044 Total Knee replacement - Money Matters covers this very popular operation. Its costs and benefits.
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