Money Matters new update today! September 15, 2014 READ!

Marc’s Notes:
Good day to you all and welcome to today’s Money Matters update.

The market is playing with the 17,000 level and I still see the signs for a major market correction as mixed with most indicators I feel important pointing to a green light for holding our recommended amount in solid dividend payers. (About 15- 25 % of your net assets). See our Dream Portfolio for the exact holding recommendations I use for my accounts.

With the European Central Bank whipping up another round of QE (as predicted many times on Money Matters) now that’s its finally here, this money will saturate the markets of the world and probably make up what the Federal Reserve here is doing which is cutting back on their QE. One cuts back, one increases.

Gold is now backing down again and my prediction that one more gold pull back may be in the cards looks to be coming true. Like I said before, a $15 Silver/ $900 Gold price level or somewhere in there is still possible before it reaches later to new heights.

Our Dividend Payers (See my Super Dividend Payers List) are still doing great so no moves there except to dump your mutual funds that don’t pay anything and replace with these monster stocks that pay you to hold them.

This week’s Money Matters show that airs Thursday, September 18 at noon, PST will host Solar City and how I got a no cost solar `system` and how you can too. Will we cover what it is, how it works, whether it will work for you, how much you might save, and the conditions of the system, its makeup and much more. If you ever thought about solar but the cost has stopped you from proceeding, this show is for you! Tune in this Thursday to find out how you can go green and save money too!

Want to find out how to buy stocks on sale or get paid not to own them?

See my “Special Report” on the left side of the menu bar and click on it. (Special Report). This great strategy gives you the ins/outs and “how to’s’ for you to get the stocks you want at lower than today’s market price OR get paid cold hard cash to not buy them!

It works and if you want to see how, follow me on Twitter under marccuniberti. I started an account with real money ($200,000.00) and started listing all my trades on Jan 1, 2014. I list every trade using this system, every buy, sell and profit/loss each trade nets. Today the account stands at $301,000.00 in the 9 months since I started this account.

Follow it daily and see how the `system` works!  Real money, real trades using this `system` under SPECIAL REPORT on my website. Buy the report and I meet with you for FREE to show you how to do it in your account. I will even make the trades for you if you like and you sit beside me as I do it!

Now on to listener questions:

BB asks:

Marc, the Dow keeps climbing but I still am not in after losing almost half my money in 2009. Am I too late now to get in?


BB, No, but stay within the limits I suggest and only buy in slowly over time. In this way you minimize risk of a market fall the day you buy in.


CR asks: Marc, I rode gold up from about $850 to over $1900 and now it’s back down. Should I sell it now?


CR, you have a profit and any profit is good. You did not tell me HOW MUCH you own in comparison to your net worth so I can’t say whether to add more but I always say you should have enough PHYSICAL gold on hand to cover about 10% of your net worth so add slowly over time to get to that level. I never consider selling my physical gold as it is insurance only.


DA sends this question: My advisor says I should stick with his holdings and just keep adding as long term this always pays off.


DA, this is typical advice from such sources. They know if you sell you may not come back. Adjusted for inflation, the Dow has really not done much even if you go back to the 1900’s. I also don’t agree with their recommended holdings. I have more to say about such advice but don’t have the time to list it here. See my website for my shows on advisors and what you should hold.


ST sent this question: Hi Marc, thanks for the community service you provide. We seldom hear such truths. My question is how come we haven’t seen the massive inflation you and many have warned about? With the government printing so much money with their dumb QE programs, you would think gas would be ten bucks and a box of Cheerios about the same.


ST, great question and one addressed many times on my show. Much of QE has ended up either in the market driving IT to new highs (so there is inflation there!) or put right back AT THE FED’s bank to sit as a deposit (they pay interest to the banks on money they deposit incredibly) so a lot of that money is not IN THE SYSTEM yet to cause massive price inflation. We have seen inflation however but the Feds hide it with their statistics. (Also covered on many Money Matters). When all that money at the Fed on deposit hits the streets however, the fuel for higher inflation will meet the ignition source. You just wait, you aint seen nothing yet!


AB asks this great question: Buddy, you are so right on in your analysis of our world and its money stuff. I follow you and have for years and love your take on things. I keep telling my friends to tune you in. My question to you is why don’t the economists in Washington see the blatant blunders they are making with all these programs and bailouts?


Hi AB, thanks for your kind words. I think they know there is no out but they still may think they can print their way to prosperity. Their common cause however is to stay in power and stopping the programs and the free money would cause a massive recession or worse and they would lose their positions on high as a result. So they will print on until the break something because they have no other choice to remain in power.


That’s all the time I have today so I wish you all well and keep sending in those emails!

Follow me on Twitter and tune in Thursday.
