Money Matters Update November 17th, 2012.


(Fed chief Ben Bernanke)


Marc’s Notes:

All hail mighty Ben! Not really but he does print a lot of money for our banks!

I hope everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving. Many of you helped feed the hungry through our program Turkey Matters and for that I am grateful as will be the hundreds of families we fed. Thank you so much!


Money Class #1 is coming up on on November 30 th, 11.15 am and we feed you lunch to boot! Great class for beginners and intermediates where we discuss how NOT TO LOSE MONEY, gold, silver, real estate, your job, your house and mortgage, offshore options, no risk Government bonds which pay great and adjust for inflation, the current market crash and more!

Don’t delay! With the markets now plumbing lower fast, now is the time to LEARN what to do! Email me asap to reserve your spot. This may be a smaller class so you will get a chance to talk with me one on one more. Prepay now and take 25% off. Regular cost is $199.00  Mail in your check before Thanksgiving and pay $149.00. Mail to PMB 101. 578 Sutton Way, Grass Valley, Ca 95945. Include your email address and phone number. If you pay after Thanksgiving or just show up (which is fine too) you pay the regular rate of $199.00. Bring a notebook and you will also get some dividend paying stock lists to use. The class above was the all woman class but this class is mixed with big tables, drink and FOOD! Pizza or salad!

Bring a friend! You can be here learning with me about money and making more to boot.


Congress is talking about reneging on their promises they made when we allowed them to raise the budget ceiling. If you recall the “cuts’ of the cliff were promises made to address the deficits if they agreed to raise the ceiling. Now that the time has arrived, of course the cuts themselves must be cut. Let’s kick the can farther shall we? I keep reading many analysts saying 2013 is the end of the road and the blank will hit the fan. I am not so sure about that but the time when we can no longer ignore the deficit is getting closer every time they kick it. The deficit is so high now, there is no precedent as to what happens and when. I can tell you we cannot keep overspending and that this is going to end very badly. VERY.


(Consider taking our Money Class mentioned above or you will not believe the damage it will do to your finances once the can reaches the end of the road.)


Meanwhile the markets are still falling but are oversold and I keep expecting a bounce here somewhere. If Congress does keep talking about cutting the “cuts” and finally announces a package, I assume the markets will run but probably not for long. Notice that the QE 3 program announced by the Federal Reserve this time around only bounced the market for a day or so. In other words, where previous announcements from the Feds about QE 1 and 2 RAN the markets for months, the effect is wearing off and so is their credibility.  Like drugs it is. You get less and less effect from it. As I mentioned in many previous updates, the Feds will see less and less effect from their actions and I went so far as to say one day the FEDS will announce QE and the markets will not go up but down. We almost saw that this time around. Since QE3 was announced, the markets are down almost 10%.

That is NOT a good sign.  Good signs are however still waving such as interest rates have NOT spiked and the US is still able to sell debt at low rates. Not much else GOOD is happening. Gold is holding its own. Oil is still down and APPLE has been slaughtered. It brings to mind my article and newscast I did when Steve Jobs died saying Apple’s fall is in the cards. I did not think it would be so soon and I do not think Apples fall this time around is THE big fall. It is just following the market as most stocks do and when the market bounces I think Apple will to and have no issue with those wanting to add a TINY amount of it right here or lower.

For now, everything is just in a holding pattern and I used this recent stall to add some more gold and will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come. This metal will play an important part in protecting you should the overspending by government continue and I think it will. Protect and work hard NOW is the key. Save money, stay away from financial advisors telling you to load up on stocks and bonds, stay away from private bonds (or most of them) and refinance or modify your loan now. If you need contacts to do these things, please email me. Also those with high wealth should look offshore now before the windows close and I have contacts to help you with that as well.

Lastly I mentioned in previous emails that the Israel / Iran issue would not raise its head until after the election. (An agreement Israel most likely made with the US). Now that the elections are over, note that Israel attacked the Gaza and oil is starting to spike. All this I warned was coming. Look for escalating war over there soon. This will roil markets and spike oil and gold temporarily. You may play the bounce if you are a gambler.


Bad news out on rare earth stock Molycorp. The stock was hit again and I have to say our gamblers plays in rare earth 2 years back turned out horribly. It happens and why we only put a very SMALL amount in these. On the flip side, most of our plays turned out to be very profitable. Rare earth and Nat Gas did not.

Nat Gas is making a comeback in the media so we will watch it. Same with rare earths. Both will rise again.

That’s all for now, the markets tend to be calmer this holiday week. We will see.



  amount of debt PER PERSON in the US not counting many unfunded but still must be paid promises! Yikes!