Money Matters Update November 14, 2012

Marc's Notes:
Couple of items of business then we get to the markets:

Upcoming show this Thursday, Money Matters covers the market as usual then takes on Michael Moore in a KVMR act of heresy.

Tune in at noon PST !

Did you check out our new show for free download on the website? It’s about QE3 and its free to download and share! Tell your friends.

Big thanks for those who helped feed the hungry with Turkey Matters. About 3 grand went to various food banks such as Placer, NC food bank and Interfaith among others.

Want to sell some gold to me? I am paying spot which is better then anything you can get from any shop. Email me. Cash on the button head!


Money Class on the 30th!


Money Class ONE is now on November 30th, 11.15 am and we feed you! Great class for beginners and intermediates where we discuss how NOT TO LOSE MONEY, gold, silver, real estate, your job, your house and mortgage, offshore options, no risk Government bonds which pay great and adjust for inflation, the current market crash and more ! Don’t delay! With the markets now plumbing lower fast, now is the time to LEARN what to do! Email me asap to reserve your spot. You also get half off a consult with me by taking this class. Class 2 is coming so stay tuned. Cost $199.00. Mail in check made out to Bay Area Process- PMB 101, 578 Sutton Way, Grass Valley, CA 95945 and include your phone number and email address.

Want to drive business to YOUR business? I just negotiated a GREAT rate for ON AIR advertising at a great station covering all of Yuba City, Maryville, Oroville and beyond. This is a special rate for you as you know I negotiate great deals for listeners like our gold deal which just expired. I can get you ON AIR for as little as 9 bucks! Email me- get the people coming in! Don't wait!

Also note our new sponsor on the website, BFI Management! These are our overseas contacts for moving money offshore to many different jurisdictions. We have used them on our Swiss Annuities and now they offer so much more. Click on the banner and check them out! Welcome BFI for discerning Americans who want to protect their family and do it legally and privately.

Weak and feeble. The looming fiscal cliff threatens all. Corporate CEO’s are writing Congress and the armies of Lobbyists are scouring the halls to corner anyone that will listen. Forget the promised cuts. Forget balancing the budget. Lies were told to you to get you to accept the last budget ceiling being raised and now we reach the limit again. Just out this month of a 120 billion dollar shortfall in the US financing which works out to 1.4 trillion in deficits for the year at that pace. That’s not a budget, it’s a disaster.

I cannot emphasize enough you must prepare your finances because these guys will never stop spending until they are forced to and then it will be way too late for the US dollar. Take a class with me, get some gold, lighten up on stocks and don’t listen to typical financial advisors who put you all in stocks and bonds. That’s suicide for what is coming.

It’s easy to manage your own finances and takes only 2 hours a year on my auto pilot system. Get safe, keep it safe and be smart. For now the fiscal cliff is the looming threat to markets and Iran vs Israel is coming soon to a world war theater near you.

Email me with your questions and comments or to get to a Money Class. Those who sent in checks before, we will check you in when you get there.

I will talk to you all on Thursday at noon on air and keep you posted on the markets if things fly apart.



Here is an article I just penned for you enjoyment:


Its two weeks until the election and I’m getting a lot of questions as to what the markets will do depending on who is elected. 

I don’t think outside of a few days of knee jerk reaction that we will see much movement because of who is elected. 

A Romney or Obama win could move the markets up or down after the results are in. Some believe if Obama wins that he will continue to print money to pay for all his spending and that should make the markets go up but on the other hand his taxes and business interference puts a damper on new hiring so that is thought to be bad for business hence this may make the markets fall.

Romney hosting the trophy will be good for business but he will likely not print so much and fire Bernanke your fed chief so that will be could be bad for stocks.

As you can see, it’s probably a toss up in the long run but short term we are likely to see some fireworks in the indexes in the first two weeks of November.

Both candidates really don’t have a plan for addressing the budget deficits which are skyrocketing so the deficits will certainly keep screaming higher. 

This should weaken the US dollar over the long run and push gold higher but again, short term movements in both of these asset classes could mask their true direction over the long haul.

I favor gold and silver higher in the long run but both metals will likely fall with the stock market and business fundamentals are far from stellar recently.

Not knowing where the markets will go with all the cross currents and fed manipulation in the markets I am still one for big cash positions instead of large stock holdings and to keep adding gold whether it moves up or down in the months to come. 

Foreign currencies of strong economies are also favored in my portfolio as both gold and strong currencies should rise long term as the US prints massive amounts to pay for the illusion of creating jobs which us just that, an illusion. 

The government can create temporary jobs to fill holes and patch highways but since the salaries are paid for with borrowed money, that money has to be paid back at some point and where the heck are we going to get that money?  

In conclusion, no matter who is elected I think the muddle thru economy will continue unless investors just give up on stocks due the intervention by the FEDS or they just plain get tired of seeing their stocks going up and down but basically going nowhere and move their money into a bank account. Then stocks will fall as money is pulled from the markets in favor of the safety that cash accounts offer.

The wild card here is Israel striking Iran to preempt a nuclear capability by that country and all hell will probably break lose and then all bets are off.  


This article expresses the opinions of Marc Cuniberti. Mr. Cuniberti hosts “Money Matters” on KVMR FM 89.5 and 105.1 FM on Thursdays at noon. He has been featured on NBC and ABC television and on a host of made for TV documentaries for his economic insights. His website is