Newsletters - Past Issues

Money Matters Update- February 28, 2015 READ

The soaring balances at the central banks are actually a gauge of toxic debt they bought from private banks to make them whole again.


Marc’s Notes:

An upcoming Money Class is happening soon. As soon as I get a date, I will post it here on the newsletter. The Money Class is about investing, what to avoid and what to buy, how to audit your financial advisor and your holdings, the ins and outs on real estate today, what stocks to hold, bonds, and other investments. Gold and silver will also be covered as will annuities, offshore possibilities, where the markets will go from here and just about everything you need to know to protect and grow your money. This is “must attend” class lasting about three hours and a question and answer period will conclude the class. 25 % off to all who email me now they want to attend.


Money Matters Update Feb 18, 2015

Money Matters Airs tomorrow!

Thursday  NOON Pacific Standard Time


Tune in!


Gold and Silver:
These took off on the news from the SNB and they had been in a steady and stealthy rise leading up to the events of last week. They have pulled back from the recent run so let us see if this new fall is a temporary set back or a temporary correction only.



New Money Update! Read for important market news! February 15, 2015



Marc's Notes:

People just keep voting for more taxes. Berkeley voted in a tax on soda and a city near me voted to tax campers at local campgrounds.

Berkeley constituents who supported the tax amounted to nearly three quarters of those voting and the campground tax was unanimously supported by all members of the city council.


Is Gold finally ready? Is the Dow ready to crater? Central banks go crazy with the printing presses! Update January 31, 2015

Is this in our future? Central bank policies could make this a reality

Marc's notes: