Newsletters - Past Issues

Money Matters update! Read for new stuff July 18, 2017


Artichoke: Too old or in its prime? Depends on how we view things



Hello Y’all and Jambo,

Money Matters takes to the air Thursday July 20, 2017 at noon PST. Tune in and hear about our economy and our crazy markets. Some news and reminders for you:

Shows are on the website: and everything is free. Hear the show on the web there as well. 

See some new links on my video series “Investing in our community”. These are short videos about local events, businesses and other things of interest that are posting to my Facebook page here:

They also get cross pasted to other FB pages like News and Information, Nevada County Happening Now, Nevada County Peeps, Grass Valley Peeps, Auburn, the local business FB page and more. I find it a great way to share what is happening in our community. Email me if you have something you think might be interesting to cover and be SURE to take a look at one of the videos up on FB already. My piece on the early leaf drop in Nevada County is up to over 4,700 views.

My calendar is again filling up for no charge- no obligation,  one on one meeting with me to review your current investments.  Meet with me personally and lets talk. You must email me at to schedule.

Here is an article about making changes to your investments and in your life in general. I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it!

Love to you all and Peace,






approved 203704



When you awoke this morning, were you ready to make a change?


Too late for change?

When is it too late to change and when is it time to?

Change is part of the universe and there are many things we are capable of changing.

First to mind might be to change clothes, our hairstyle or diet. Next could be a change in attitude or the proverbial changing of our mindset. The list is endless of the things we can change and the same would go for the things we cannot ad infinitum.

The important changes in our lives are sometimes easy and sometimes difficult but the hardest part of change is realizing the need to.

Sometime small corrections in direction or speed might do the trick when negotiating the roads, waterways or skyways if piloting a vehicle of some sort. Other changes could save our lives such as a change in lifestyle, diet or exercise. Change in financial habits can save us money or even make us more. Changing jobs or careers could make us both more money and more happy.

Changing our lifestyle might apply if one had chosen the wrong path in life which resulted in poor mental or physical health or just plain plunked us down in a group of people that were not conducive to our life expectations. Even changing locations or residences can result in monumental alterations from current situations.

What to change might be obvious or hidden. Why we should change is usually obvious but not always. Sometimes people see no reason to change and therein lies the most difficult part of altering paths.

For example, suppose an investor loses millions using a trading strategy that repeatedly fails. Or an overeater gets a note from his Dr. their blood pressure is too high and cholesterol is through the roof. In both examples, the need for change is obvious. But many times the need for change can be obscured. Ego can make change an admission of failure. Not an option for a person with a high ego. Addiction can mask the reason for change through chemical or mental euphoric and reoccurring “hits”, making any change not only undesirable but possibly painful because of the nature of withdrawal. A lack of will power might be to blame or perhaps external conditions such as finances or even incarceration might also make change impossible. The list is endless.

But the meaningful and willful positive changes in one’s life that are controllable, doable and deliberate can be rewarding in many ways. Financial changes can result in less debt and more income. Changes that address addictions can make for a happier and healthier life. Changes in lifestyle, career, residency or peer groups may make for better outcomes in the long run. Again the list is endless as are the positives from making such change.

Realizing there is need for change is step one. Regardless of what you think you need, like, require or are addicted to, taking a step backwards and being honest with yourself and your particular situation is required in order to change.

The need for change is not always self-realized. Others might drop hints, make suggestions or bring up the issue directly either through honest conversation or even the radical and often last resort of “intervention”.

No matter where you are or think you are, reoccurring negative outcomes and consequences are signs that perhaps something needs to change, and at least being open to the conversation with yourself is the beginning of possible change. If friends or family are making comments or even being ignore entirely, that could also be a red flag that perhaps something needs to change in your life.

Is it ever too late to change?

Arguably no. Eventually a change in direction albeit late in a cycle will yield at least some results. The sooner you make a change, assuming it’s a positive one, the sooner you will begin seeing positive results. Even change late in the proverbial game will likely help something.

Unfortunately there are things in life that cannot be undone as that is the way the world works. Somethings are permanent. You just can’t go back and undo them.

But I am of the belief, no matter whether it’s financial, personal, medical or what have you, the willingness to change does yield some kind of result, even if it’s just the improving the self-respect of the individual making that change.

Regardless of whether it’s early, right on time or even very late, the saying “it’s never too late to change” may be a concept we should grasp tightly and never let go.

It brings to mind something I heard once somewhere: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference” (Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971).

Being a financial columnist, I will sum this up by saying it is never too late to change investing strategies. Better late than never certainly applies to revising a financial strategy that isn’t working. The longer you wait, the less money you will make by going to a more successful plan. And it goes without saying, the longer the wait to make a change, the more money you will likely lose.



Money Matters airs Thursday July 6, 2017


Traversing these markets- What to do and which way do we go?   




Money Matters airs Thursday July 20th, 2017 at noon PST on KVMR and where we will cover these summer markets and what to expect and MORE!



Approved  201088


Need a better idea how to invest? Keep reading......


Investors usually tell me they hold a variety of assets which might include stocks, bonds and mutual fund in order to be diversified yet few can give me a specific reason for why they hold each investment. Somehow they believe holding a wide variety of assets is diversified, and while this is a partially true statement, the actual reason why this is true can be elusive.

Having clarity and focus in ones investing is tantamount to reaching financial goals. This means you have to be clear on why you own everything you own and how we reach that awareness is actually quite simple.

For instance, I own my shotgun not as an investment but for protection. I am investing in my safety and the safety of my family in case some bad guys arrive at my house late at night. I own my garden to give me food and own my car for mobility. I own my house for my family and I to inhabit yet many investors think of a house as place to accumulate retirement savings or invest for growth. While this might be true to some extent, during 2008/09 we discovered that perhaps that wasn’t such a good idea. Part of the reason for the housing bust was confusion on the part of investors on why we own our homes. Decades ago most people thought of home ownership as just that, a place to live. In the last decade however, the reason for owning a home morphed into an “investment” instead of a “necessity” and that’s where the trouble may have started.

The reason for holding money in a bank has also changed over the decades. When I was growing up, the banks paid me six percent interest on my savings.  My Dad told me to save my money in the bank for the interest payments much like he did.  Since banks now pay little interest, the reason for putting money in a savings account has changed.  Now we put our money in a bank for safety, not for the interest. When investors complain to me they cannot make money in a savings account, I tell them that is not why we are there, at least it isn’t at this particular point in time. We have savings accounts and similar bank products for safety, not to make money. If we want to make money, we obviously must look elsewhere.

Many people hold stocks for growth. I do not. I hold stocks for their potential income as I usually don’t buy any stocks that don’t pay me money (dividends) to hold them. With the income they pay me, I may get the growth regardless of whether the market goes up or down. If the market does go up, I might do even better. If the market goes down, any payments I might receive takes some of the sting out. Keep in mind, dividends are not guaranteed and. having stocks that pay dividends does not ensure profit or protect against loss

Some investors might hold gold and silver coins in a bank safe deposit box for peace of mind against a possible currency collapse while others might hold gold stocks for speculation on the gold price.

Commodity funds may help guard against rising grocery bills while holding some Cd’s, Treasury bills or cash would tend to help preserve funds in a broad market sell off.   

I could pay off my home mortgage, I don’t.  I consider my mortgage as a way to help protect against inflation. (Inflation could allow me to pay off my mortgage with cheaper dollars) Others consider debt the devil’s own and avoid it all costs.

By detailing the reason you hold each asset, it may help clarify your portfolio goals and even cause you to perhaps alter its contents. Once you detail and carefully consider why you hold what you do, or at least ask the question, your investing plan might become that much clearer. The thought process of truly knowing why you place money where you do will go a long way in helping you reach your goals and allow you to better allocate your money where it may offer the maximum possible return, the possibility for growth and protection while providing clarity to your reasoning.



Tired of guessing and wondering how your money is being managed and even if it is?

We have a definite STRATEGY. Let me explain it to you over coffee. It is that simple and no cost or obligation.

Email me at:

I have some time in July and August.




Money Matters airs July 6th, 2017 Noon PST



Kyle's flyer and photos with Congressman LaMalfa!

Old worn out decks? Protect your "investment"

Before and after- This deck ran under $300!

Kyle is ready for summer with Pre- calculus online and his refinishing deck work now scheduling!

Old decks made new, fences, painting, help around the property. My son Kyle, Food bank board member and community servant working his way to college! Get your work done and help this stellar 4.14 GPA student live his dream~  Call me now to schedule- He fills up fast!

Deck work at half the cost and he does great work. Email me for photos of before and after!



Money Matters airs Tuesday July 6th , noon, PST on KVMR FM and worldwide on

Approved  201088


Know why you hold an investment- clarity is everything~

Investors tell me they hold a variety of assets likes stocks, bonds and mutual funds to be diversified yet few can give me a specific reason for why they hold each investment. Somehow they believe holding a wide variety of assets is diversified, and while this is a true statement, the actual reason why this is true can be elusive.

Having clarity and focus in ones investing is tantamount to reaching financial goals. This means you have to be clear on why you own everything you own and how we reach that awareness is actually quite simple.

For instance, I own my shotgun not as an investment but for protection. I am investing in my safety and the safety of my family in case some bad guys arrive at my house late at night. I own my garden to give me food and own my car for mobility. I own my house for my family and I to inhabit yet many investors think of a house as place to accumulate retirement savings or invest for growth. While this might be true to some extent, during 2008/09 we discovered that perhaps that wasn’t such a good idea. Part of the reason for the housing bust was confusion on the part of investors on why we own our homes. Decades ago most people thought of home ownership as just that, a place to live. In the last decade however, the reason for owning a home morphed into an “investment” instead of a “necessity” and that’s where the trouble may have started.

The reason for holding money in a bank has also changed over the decades. When I was growing up, the banks paid me six percent interest on my savings.  My Dad told me to save my money in the bank for the interest payments much like he did.

Since banks now pay little interest, the reason for putting money in a savings account has changed.  Now we put our money in a bank for safety, not for interest. When investors complain to me they cannot make money in a savings account, I tell them that is not why we are there, at least it isn’t at this particular point in time. We have savings accounts and similar bank products for safety, not to make money. If we want to make money, we obviously must look elsewhere.

Many people hold stocks for growth. I do not. I hold stocks for their potential income as I usually don’t buy any stocks that don’t pay me money (dividends) to hold them. With the income they pay me, I may get the growth regardless of whether the market goes up or down. If the market does go up, I might do even better. If the market goes down, any payments I might receive takes some of the sting out. Keep in mind, dividends are not guaranteed and. having stocks that pay dividends does not ensure profit or protect against loss

Some investors might hold gold and silver coins in a bank safe deposit box for peace of mind against a possible currency collapse while others might hold gold stocks for speculation on the gold price.
Commodity funds may help guard against rising grocery bills while holding some Cd’s, Treasury bills or cash would tend to help preserve funds in a broad market sell off.  

I could pay off my home mortgage, I don’t.  I consider my mortgage as a way to help protect against inflation. (Inflation could allow me to pay off my mortgage with cheaper dollars) Others consider debt the devil’s own and avoid it all costs.

By detailing the reason you hold each asset, it may help clarify your portfolio goals and even cause you to perhaps alter its contents. Once you detail and carefully consider why you hold what you do, or at least ask the question, your investing plan might become that much clearer. The thought process of truly knowing why you place money where you do will go a long way in helping you reach your goals and allow you to better allocate your money where it may offer the maximum possible return, the possibility for growth and protection while providing clarity to your reasoning.


Now scheduling summer no cost consults. Email me for details. See where you stand and whether your money is ready for the upcoming market move!




Approved 200927

Investing in Community- Foster Families

Investing doesn’t always necessarily mean money. We can invest in many things. We can invest in our homes by keeping up with the maintenance, our bodies by eating healthy and exercising, our minds by education and in a host of other things that might need our attention and hence our “investment”.

Investing in the community around us is a very important investment that all of us in that community would likely benefit from and the very word community means people. Since our future members of our community will obviously inhabit and administer it, it makes sense to do everything we can to improve and insure the education, value, health and moral of these future stewards of our society.

We’ve all heard of foster parents and no doubt some of you reading this have either been a foster parent or been hosted by a foster family in your youth. It’s a vital service as not all home environments are conducive to providing a healthy and safe environment all the time. Whether it be because of general neglect, trouble with the law, domestic violence or other reasons, sometimes a child needs to leave the biological parents for a time to allow that home environment to get back to normal. Of course, sometimes the biological parents might never get it together or it may even take years, but in most cases the care provided by a foster family is only temporary.

The goal stated by our local foster agency Environmental Alternatives is for the family to provide a safe and nurturing environment. The families go through a screening process to protect the potential foster children and the once the child is placed, a weekly visit to the home is customary. Medical and dental is covered by Medi-Cal and a reimbursement stipend is provided to the foster family.

Children ages up to 18 years of age are looking for foster homes and there is even a need for providing homes to young adults from 18 to 21 years of age.

Environmental Alternatives office manager, Kitty Cannon says they are always looking for foster families as the need is ongoing. Many families host more than one child and since it is preferred siblings stay together, there is an obvious need for households who can accommodate multiple children.

Investing in our community can take many forms, and hosting a foster child or two is one way we can help. Not only do we help our future generation of adults start off from a healthier launching pad, the rewards that we receive may be more than we expect. I am told special relationships which may last a lifetime often develop and the feeling one can get from helping another human being can be a once in lifetime experience. I speak from experience. 19 years ago I became a mentor to a troubled teen through the Big Brothers program and we are still good friends to this day. Next month my “teen” will be 35 year old!

If you are interested in learning more about foster parenting here in Nevada or Placer County, you can contact Environmental Alternatives at (530) 273-7120. For those in other counties, check your local phone book or web browser.

This article expresses the opinions of Marc Cuniberti and our opinions only and should not be construed or acted upon as individual investment advice. Mr. Cuniberti is an Investment Advisor Representative through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Marc can be contacted at MKB Financial Services 164 Maple St #1, Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 823-2792. MKB Financial Services and Cambridge are not affiliated. His website is California Insurance License # OL34249


Money Matters airs tomorrow, Thursday May 18, 2016


What will happen next!

Tune in tomorrow, Thursday at noon PST for another edition of Money Matters. Hear about todays move in the markets!

Also featured will be a talk with the manager of our local Foster Families agency, Ms. Kitty Cannon. Hear all about Foster Homes/Families and the kids. Investing in our youth and our community!


All this and more tomorrow at noon PST on KVMR FM and


Money Matters Update

Money Matters returns to the air for the start of our summer season. Hear all about what to expect in the markets. May 17th, noon PST on KVMR and all related stations and at


Reaching out......

The United Way partners with Interfaith Food Ministries (IFM) with help from the Food Bank of Nevada County with "Food Access Saturday" , a program of food distribution for those that work during the weekdays but still need assistance in feeding their families. Food is available the second Saturday of each month at IFM, 440 Henderson Street, Grass Valley, behind the Prosperity Lanes/ Beam Center parking lot. United Way (530) 274-8111. IFM (530) 273-8132.

Pictured here is Sue Vanson, Director of IFM, Paula and Jacob Senn, the first customers of the program and Megan Timpany, Director of the United Way, Nevada County.

Photo by Marc Cuniberti


Hi you rabid money fans,

Wow, some markets huh? So as we enter into summer, which can be typically anemic for markets as traders head out to their vacations, the Dow seems stuck in 20,000's and may be trying to assault 21,000. No one knows which way markets will go of course, Fixed income recovered some and that was mentioned in previous article I did as a possibility. I have attached that below as well as my new comments covering this recovery. I have also finished up on my weird article called "Spinners, Earthmovers, Doer’s, Dawdlers, Talkers, Slugs, Fakers, Weasels and Crooks".  Previous postings of this article were done in parts so the entire article is finally here. This is tongue in cheek so please take it with a grain of proverbial salt. So that is about it for now but feel free to contact me for a no-cost, no-obligation in person consult and analysis of your financial situation. (Minimum investment portfolio > $100,00.00).


Fixed Income sells off. (Published March 8, 2017)

Approved 187912

Mom and Pop conservative investors may have received a nasty pre-Christmas present in the form of lower portfolio balances. Although premarket indicators of market direction looked horrific on election night, the day the market opened on November 9th the market took off and has barely missed an upbeat. The most commonly watched indicator, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOW) climbed steadily over 19,000 for the first time ever and closed out the month there. This month end close is a significant indicator to some technical analysts and indeed an obvious indicator to many that the Trump rally at least for now is for real.

Not all stocks rose in value however as is the case with market rallies and a handful of sectors reacted in the opposite direction and some sectors fell with relatively shocking speed and percentage. Technology sold off hard while defense and infrastructure soared.

Where the conservative investor got hammered is in the fixed income markets. Fixed income refers to things like corporate bonds, treasuries, municipal bonds, utilities, preferred stocks and just about anything else that pays a fixed interest rate or perceived as doing so.

This area of investment is generally thought of as more stable way to play the markets due to their fixed promise to pay out income in the form of dividends or interest and many conservative investors have been told these types of investment are less volatile than traditional stock holdings. As such, older investors or those with less risk tolerance usually hold a large percentage of fixed income in their portfolios.

Fast forward to the Trump rally and a wakeup call of sorts as to how markets can operate shocked many an investor. With a sudden spike in interest rates on November which continued during the following weeks, fixed income assets basically got creamed.

From CBC News: Bank of Montreal economist Benjamin Reitzes said Monday: "The price on 30-year Treasury bonds fell nearly five per cent on Wednesday, erasing two full years of coupon payments." The article released November 14th went on to say: "The bond market is supposed to be a dull, boring, stable place," said Colin Lundgren, head of U.S. fixed income at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. "Instead, it's been at the centre of the storm."

An understatement to say the least. Across the board fixed income continued to bleed red in an uncharacteristic freefall that likely put a big dent in conservative portfolios likely causing many a phone call to advisors everywhere asking by their clients to explain just what the hell happened to holdings thought to be somewhat immune to such sell offs.

Luckily for fixed income investors, the nature of how fixed income works may be self-correcting. As the price of a fixed income security drops, their yields rise, so investors buying at destressed prices will get higher yields as prices continue to fall. This type of slingshot of rates versus prices can entice new buyers into a falling market and at some point yields get too juicy for new investors to resist.  This is not to say prices can’t keep falling. They can.

No one knows just when prices on fixed income might stabilize but for now the steep plunge witnessed seems to have at least slowed for now. But the damage has been done. Apparently the market perceived a Trump presidency as one which will let rates rise, a comment Trump himself indicated when he said during the first presidential debates “because of record low interest rates from the Fed, the country's economy is in a big, fat, ugly bubble…..”

One might draw the conclusion and the market apparently did, that Trump believes low rates are a scourge to the economy that should be corrected, which means allowing rates to rise. When rates rise, fixed income goes in the opposite direction, and for now that direction is causing angst for many an investor.

As in most drastic markets movements however, selling into a panic is a practice that should be carefully analyzed before undertaking. Sometimes the market overreacts and throws babies out with the proverbial bath water. Patience may be the order of the day.


Fixed Income Recovers

198335 approved

After Trumps November 8th election win, no one really knew how the markets would react the day after on November 9th.  Stock futures, which give an indication of what overnight traders are doing first showed a horrendous correction was coming when the market opened and gold skyrocketing higher. Not so when the opening bell rang next morning. Stocks took off and gold fell. What really shocked investors and not in a good way was the selloff in fixed income. This area includes bonds, preferred stocks, treasuries, municipal bonds, utilities, and other investments that pay a fixed rate of return and are regarded as less volatile than traditional stocks. This type of investment is likely what your grandfather held and it’s a favorite among widows, orphans and conservative investors. Normally not regarded as moving very much up or down in price, the weeks following Trumps victory witnessed a virtual blood bath in fixed income.

"The bond market is supposed to be a dull, boring, stable place," said Colin Lundgren, head of U.S. fixed income at Columbia Threadneedle Investments. "Instead, it's been at the center of the storm."

As I wrote in December article entitled “The fixed income sell off”, fixed income does have a self-correcting type of quality to it which at that time might have calmed the nerves of those conservative investors who saw balances drop in speed out of the ordinary of what they were used to seeing.

When prices drop on the price of a fixed income investment, because the interest it pays is fixed, the yield to new investors buying in after the drop goes up. That means investors buying at destressed prices will get higher yields as prices continue to fall. This type of slingshot of rates versus prices can entice new buyers into a falling market because at some point yields get too juicy for new investors to resist. One might also add when investors panic, they sometime throw the baby out with the bathwater and what would otherwise be a modest sell off suddenly becomes an all-out rout. This can cause the price pendulum to swing in one direction (down) to the advantage of those willing to step in with cash to scoop up some perceived deals which in the fixed income market means better yields.

Apparently at least some investors took the bait and starting a few months after the sell-off prices began to climb in many fixed income markets and continued to do in the recent weeks. Not to say the sell-off couldn’t begin again as no one can predict market directions but sometimes common sense, knowing how certain investments perform and some basic math can lead to some good buys in the markets.




Spinners, Earthmovers, Doer's, Dawdlers, Talkers, Slugs, Fakers, Weasels and Crooks

What does it all mean? Fancy words or animal decryptions?

Actually these are my own classifications of different types of people as they relate to their own career path.

Sounds confusing but read on and see if you recognize any of the work types described below.

The easiest to spot are the Earthmovers and Crooks. Earthmovers start those incredible companies that revolutionize how we live in some way or another. They may or may not be college educated, and many attend Ivy League schools only to drop out midway through because they know their ideas don’t need degrees to make them work. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk come to mind. Billionaires all of them and they have changed the way we live our lives through their genius. As for community, Earthmovers usually operate alone or in pairs.

Crooks are also easy to understand and identify. They are basically, well, crooks. They lie cheat and steal to make a living and are usually a victim of a personality disorder or two. Crooks operate alone but if you find two of them in cahoots, the con is usually much bigger in scope.

Easy enough but now let’s look at the others.

Doer’s are good folks. They are the pragmatic ones. They start small businesses that usually succeed. They also make good employees and know the value of a buck. They work hard and treat others fairly. They are usually honest and live fruitful lives that contribute to society and they rarely take handouts unless badly needed and then only do so temporarily. Most of the working class fit in here and likely you do to. Doer’s operate solo or in groups of any size.

You can recognize Dawdlers, Talkers and Slugs because they have many similar characteristics.

Dawdlers just don’t want to work and think the world is one big jelly bean field where they can lie around and write poetry. None of this “conformist working nonsense” for them. Dawdlers idle away their hours in coffee houses, hiking or hanging out at the river during the day while everyone else is working.

Talkers, like Dawdlers also don’t like working much but spew forth verbal diatribes to counter their low self-esteem which got that way by not working. Talkers might make up many of the people you see during a daytime protest rally. They’re there because they’re not working. Talkers often end up as activists or working a few hours a week at a non-profit to convince themselves their unemployment is necessary so the world can hear their point of view. Like Dawdlers, they are often on the public dole while complaining about the very `system` that gives them their checks. Dawdlers and Talkers can’t make it in the private sector where performance is actually expected so they operate around the fringes of normal society. Both Dawdlers and Talkers are usually found in large groups.

Slugs have similar characteristics as Dawdlers but Slugs just can’t catch a break. They rarely hold jobs longer than a few months and constantly blame others or circumstances out of their control for their plight. When you catch up with a slug, which is easy to do, they will always tell you how hard their life is and how bad luck follows them like the plague which is usually true. Although the world is full of Dawdlers and Talkers, you won’t run into many Slugs.  Their lot in life is so sorrowful apparently God didn’t make many of them and that’s a good thing. Slugs live solo except for the rare occasion where a mate is found that takes care of them.

Fakers are like Talkers as both usually have outward personalities. Fakers attempt to appear like Doer’s but much of it is illusion and therein lies the difference. Fakers usually have long resumes with many jobs listed and their spotty work resume shows a nomadic quality to it. They move jobs and locations often and may attach self-made titles after their names. A variety of letter designations you likely have never heard of trail their signature page. These people may end up end becoming the proverbial life coach or a consultant of some kind. They also can move in and out of careers where a few months of study can yield an impressive sounding certification like realtor or physical trainer. No offense meant to you hard working folks in these careers of course. It’s just that Fakers are the type that enter your field then leave when the going gets tough and muck up the business for the rest of you. Heaven help the people who follow the advice of such characters. They are where they are because they can’t hold a real job for any length of time. Fakers usually operate alone but support each other to further each other’s illusion.

Weasels are similar to crooks but don’t actually break any laws, at least most of the time. Weasels are a sort of con artist but use legal techniques to borrow or garner money from others and then just don’t pay it back. The excuse is the investment or whatever didn’t work out and your money is then gone. The living expenses of the weasel was usually taken from such “investment” money. This is how the Weasel survives. Like monetary locusts, they move from sucker to sucker all the while telling a good story.  Many Weasels are not real crooks but just delusional to the point of believing their own schemes. Even with a history of failed endeavors the delusional mind of the Weasel never makes the connection. Weasels occasionally find themselves in lawsuits revolving around one or more of their failed endeavors. As for community, Weasels almost always operate alone.

Last but not least come the Spinners. Spinners come from a wide variety of backgrounds and they are a common bunch. They may hold good day jobs as a main source of income or they may spend their life on the eternal treadmill of their spinning.

Spinners are like cars stuck in the mud. The wheels turn but they don’t go anywhere. If they do, they usually don’t go far. Spinners have grandiose ideas and go whole heartily into each endeavor. The problem is Spinners aren’t pragmatic, usually don’t possess the common sense or diligence of the Doer’ and don’t have the fortitude to make their projects stick for any length of time.

Spinners usually start business after business or website after website.  If working real jobs, they often use their salaries to finance their “ideas” which rarely go anywhere, which is why most Spinners will never get rich. Spinners tire easily of the nitty gritty work necessary to make a real go of things and eventually get bored and then move on to next project or idea.  One month they’re selling vitamins, the next month opening up a restaurant. They usually have many failed websites and businesses to their name because each one eventually peters out in lieu of the next new idea.

If the spinner doesn’t hold a day job, he or she is usually broke or worse yet, in heavy debt.

Spinners are vast in number and are one of the reasons new businesses have such a high failure rate. Spinners are also responsible for many a failed marriage or friendship as funds are usually needed to start each endeavor and the money disappears down the rat hole of the Spinner’s latest failure. Spinners can operate alone or in groups but a group of Spinners usually results in enough blame to go around for everyone as the inevitable happens. In a comedic twist, two fakers operating together can be mistaken for a pair of Spinners. 

In conclusion, there are many variations of each classification and sometimes people can possess multiple qualities of each in differing degrees.  Also keep in mind these are my own classifications.  I am not a psychologist or an expert in human behavior. It’s just my attempt at explaining common traits that I have witnessed over the course of 45 years of being in the business world.

What’s your experience?  Do any of these traits seem familiar?  How about your reaction to this article?

Just so you know, Earthmovers won’t ever read this being too busy but the Doer’s will love it.  Dawdlers, Fakers and Talkers will hate it with a passion as it flat out nails them and they will likely lash out at me. Spinners will wonder if we are talking about them and Weasels are too delusional to make the connection. Slugs won’t get it which is their ongoing problem on everything and Crooks just won’t give a damn. So now you know who you are!


Your financial advisor hard at work on another type of "work". Do you recognize the musician I am playing with?

He does live here locally! It was a great experience for me (and hopefully) him as well. He stumped me at times but HE had a hard time keeping up at others.


All for now and Jambo!
